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Cosmetic Dentistry – Lansing, MI

Creating Bright,
Beautiful Smiles

If there are cosmetic flaws in your smile that have always bothered you, there’s no need to force yourself to live with them. At Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Lansing, you’ll find a wide variety of cosmetic treatments that can leave you feeling more confident about your smile than ever before. Call us today if you find that cracks, stains, and misshapen teeth keep catching your eye whenever you check your smile in the mirror; we can help you find a suitable solution to create the dazzling grin of your dreams with cosmetic dentistry in Lansing, MI.

Why Choose Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Lansing for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Woman pointing to smile after cosmetic dentistry

Porcelain Veneers

Smile compared with porcelain veneer shade chart

Some cosmetic issues might seem more complex than others, but in many cases, there is a rather simple answer: just cover it up! A porcelain veneer is a thin shell that can be attached to the front of your teeth to hide a wide variety of cosmetic issues at once, making it an easy alternative to undergoing multiple treatments to solve each individual problem. Veneers are carefully shaded so that they match the natural color of your teeth, allowing them to blend in perfectly. 

Learn More About Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Man looking at smile after metal free dental restoration

For a long time, crowns were only made from metal due to the strength and durability of the material. The obvious downside is that dark gray crowns tend to stand out among a row of white teeth. Today, you can get crowns that are completely metal free, instead being composed of dental porcelain. These restorations can be customized to match your other teeth, yet they can still stand up to all the rigors of biting and chewing that they’ll need to endure over the years.

Dental Bonding

Woman receiving dental bonding treatment

Even minor imperfections can leave you worried about the appearance of your smile, but direct bonding gives us a quick fix for such minor issues. A putty-like substance known as composite resin is placed directly on the teeth, where it can be molded in order to hide discoloration, chips, and other issues. Once the necessary improvements are made, a special curing light is used to harden the resin in place in just a few minutes.

Learn More About Dental Bonding

Teeth Whitening

Smile before and after teeth whitening

Everyone would like a brilliant smile, but the whitening products at the store often don’t work as well as you want them to. This is because sometimes the source of tooth discoloration has already penetrated the enamel. In order to remove it, you’ll need a professional’s help. Talk to us about scheduling a whitening procedure; depending on your preference, we can brighten your smile by several shades over the course of one appointment, or we can give you a professional-grade whitening kit to be used at home.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening

Gum Recontouring/ Crown Lengthening

Closeup of smile after gum recontouring

Your gums should never draw more attention than your teeth. An excessive amount of gum tissue can make your teeth appear short and stubby, leaving you with a very “gummy” smile. The gum recontouring process allows us to reshape the gums and expose more of the natural tooth hidden underneath, restoring balance to your grin. A similar process known as crown lengthening is performed when excessive tissue is preventing us from placing a dental restoration.

Virtual Smile Design

Woman looking at virtual smile design on tablet computer

You don’t have to use your imagination to see what your smile will look like after cosmetic treatment; we can show you! First, we simply take a picture of your teeth as they are now. Then we use special software to alter the image and simulate the effects of a given treatment. You’ll be given a clear idea of what to expect after the procedure, and you can use the picture as a reference if you need extra time to decide whether or not to move forward with the process.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

Patient using credit card to pay for cosmetic dentistry in Chelsea

Want to learn more about the financial side of your smile transformation? We can help! The best way to get a price estimate that considers your specific dental needs and smile goals is by scheduling an appointment. However, if you’d like to learn more general information about the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Chelsea in the meantime, then keep reading!

Which Cosmetic Dental Service Is Right for Me? 

Chelsea dentist using dental mirror to examine teeth

At your consultation, our Chelsea cosmetic dentist will help you determine which smile-enhancing treatment is best for you. Here are a few of the most sought-after ones and some general information about the price of each:

  • Veneers – It’s true; veneers typically have a higher upfront cost compared to dental bonding and teeth whitening. However, they also have the ability to address discoloration, chips, misalignment, and other imperfections simultaneously. Perhaps even better, they can also last for 15+ years with the right best practices in place!
  • Dental bonding – Dental bonding is one of the most cost-effective treatments upfront. Since this cosmetic dental treatment can also correct stained, misshapen, and gapped teeth, it can completely transform your smile too!
  • Teeth whitening – Teeth whitening is usually mid-range in terms of cost. It’s also incredibly reliable, effective, and safe. In fact, in-office treatments can lighten your teeth up to eight shades in a single visit! As a result, this is a great option for patients looking to blast away stubborn stains on a timeframe, like before a wedding, important job interview, or other milestone event.
  • Gum recontouring – If you have a “gummy” smile, then gum recontouring may be the most ideal treatment for you. While the upfront investment is typically a bit higher, the results can last for a lifetime, making them extremely cost-effective in the long-run.

Why Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be an Investment Worth Making

Woman with blonde hair smiling with coworkers in office

Many patients wonder if cosmetic dentistry is really an investment worth making. After all, it only impacts the appearance of your smile, right? In reality, it can positively affect so much more! In addition to boosting your self-esteem, studies have shown that a beautiful smile can help you make a better first impression, improving your personal and professional life in the process. If that wasn’t enough, many cosmetic dental treatments also benefit your oral health by addressing misalignment, providing support to weak teeth, and giving you the motivation you need to brush and floss more consistently!

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

Chelsea cosmetic dentist showing patient financial options

Although dental insurance rarely covers cosmetic dental treatments, you won’t have to worry about your smile transformation being “too expensive.” We offer two additional financial solutions: flexible financing and a dental savings plan. While the first allows you to space out your payments into manageable chunks, the second gives you access to covered preventive care and discounts on other services. To learn more about either of these options, get in touch with our team!

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

couple smiling after seeing a cosmetic dentist in Lansing

Do you want your smile to make a powerful impression on others? Would you like to have more self-confidence in professional and social situations? Of course! But you may not be sure whether cosmetic dentistry can get you to your dream smile or which procedure is best for you. Our team is happy to answer any questions you have. In fact, we’ve answered some of them here for your convenience! Check out our responses, and then contact our office to schedule your consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Lansing.

Am I a Good Candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry?

When considering a patient for cosmetic dentistry, we first need to make sure that their smile is healthy enough. After all, resolving a cavity or gum disease takes priority over how your teeth look. With a healthy smile, most patients qualify for cosmetic work, but the only way to know for sure whether you do is to set an appointment with one of our dentists here at Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Lansing. Once we examine your mouth, we can determine which procedure(s) can help you achieve the look you want.

How Long Will Treatment Take?

It depends on which treatment(s) you are doing. In some cases, such as when patients only do teeth whitening, you can see results as quickly as one appointment. In others, especially if you are undergoing multiple procedures, the process may require several appointments. When you come into our Lansing office for your consultation, we’ll put together a detailed treatment plan. At that point, we can provide a clearer idea of the timing of treatment. 

Does Dental Insurance Cover Cosmetic Procedures?

In general, dental insurance plans do not cover cosmetic dental work. However, our team is knowledgeable when it comes to insurance and can help you understand and maximize your coverage. In addition, we offer an in-house savings plan, which comes with a 20 percent discount. Regardless, you may also qualify for financing and divide the cost of treatment into easy monthly payments.

Will My New Smile Last Forever?

That largely depends on you and how well you take care of your teeth. When you brush and floss daily and come to us regularly, we can make sure that your results stay beautiful and bright. At some point, you may require touchups or maintenance, but with diligent upkeep, you can enjoy a confident smile for many years to come.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe?

As long as you undergo your procedure with a trained professional with years of experience, most cosmetic dental work should be completely safe. That said, not every treatment will be ideal for every person. Some cosmetic procedures can end up being detrimental if you have a developing or underlying oral health concern, such as cavities and gum disease. For instance, cementing a veneer over a decayed tooth can lead to more difficulty in addressing the issue in the future. That’s why your dentist will assess your mouth for any problems that’ll need to be treated first, and then they’ll determine the best approach to creating your dream smile.

How Long Does Cosmetic Dentistry Last?

The longevity of your cosmetic dental treatment will depend on the option you choose to get. Certain procedures are cost-effective and much quicker to complete, such as professional teeth whitening and dental bonding. While these options are more convenient, their results will only last a few years, whereas more extensive treatments like veneers can go as far as 15+ years with proper care. Gum recontouring typically provides a permanent solution for smiles, as gum tissue won’t regenerate. Other treatments like Invisalign will offer lifelong results, but only if you wear your retainer afterward as instructed. In general, you can prolong your improved smile by maintaining good oral hygiene, wearing a mouthguard/nightguard, avoiding dark-colored foods/drinks, refraining from bad oral habits (like smoking), and visiting your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.

How Do I Know If I Need Cosmetic Dentistry

If you’re unhappy with the way your smile looks in the mirror, then you’ll most likely benefit from undergoing cosmetic dentistry. While it may be tempting to opt for store-bought products (like teeth whitening kits) for their convenience, they often won’t offer the long-lasting and lustrous results your dentist can. If you’re struggling with mildly damaged teeth, such as chipped or cracked ones, then your smile could be at risk of harmful bacteria. You’ll want to consult your dentist so that they can determine the best options to protect your teeth, including veneers and metal-free restorations. If you’d like to make great first impressions or simply look younger, then cosmetic dentistry can certainly lift the years off your smile. You’ll be able to show off your brand-new pearly whites, boosting your confidence and quality of life!

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt?

Like with most dental procedures, our team will do everything we can to make sure you’re comfortable and safe throughout your appointment. Fortunately, many of our cosmetic treatments are simple and pain-free, as options like teeth whitening and dental bonding won’t even require a local anesthetic. However, if you choose a more extensive procedure, like veneers, then we’ll be sure to completely numb your mouth before starting any work on your smile. If you’re feeling a bit anxious about your visit, we’ll be able to provide sedation options to help you relax. Once your appointment is over, you might experience some mild discomfort, soreness, or sensitivity. This is usually short-lived and can easily be managed by taking over-the-counter pain relievers.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

: A man paying the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Lansing

Before considering cosmetic dental work, you’ll likely want to confirm its price. After all, a procedure shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg! That said, though, we at Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Lansing can’t give you an estimate before your consultation visit . The cost of cosmetic dentistry in Lansing varies by patient, so our office needs to learn about your situation first. From there, we can help you navigate your financial options to make care affordable. You can thus be confident that your care won’t break the bank!

Which Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

Dental treatment after paying the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Lansing

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on giving patients whiter, straighter, or differently-shaped teeth. As such, it offers various options that accomplish such effects. These include the following:

  • Dental Bonding – Dental bonding covers small smile flaws with a tooth-colored resin. It’s one of the cheapest cosmetic dental options, though it only tends to last a few years.
  • Gum Recontouring – Gum recontouring removes excess gum tissue that contributes to “gummy” smiles. For a low upfront cost, it’ll give your white enamel more room to shine!
  • Teeth Whitening – Ideal for those who want a brighter smile, teeth whitening bleaches teeth quickly and effectively. However, it has a moderate cost and doesn’t help tooth shape or position.
  • Metal-free Restorations – Crowns and fillings protect teeth and hide their unsightly fractures from view. As such, their cost tends to be higher than other cosmetic treatments.
  • Porcelain Veneers – While expensive, veneers can correct multiple smile flaws at once — chips, cracks, fractures, and more. Plus, they have a long lifespan when given proper care.

Cosmetic Dentistry is a Worthwhile Investment

Coins used to pay the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Lansing

Depending on which service you get, the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Lansing can be a big commitment. In exchange, though, it’s often a worthwhile investment with long-term benefits.


For instance, treatment will likely improve your self-confidence and body image. As a result, your quality of life in terms of relationships and work prospects will see many gains. After all, friends, family, and even coworkers will love your white and gleaming smile! You won’t have reason to feel self-conscious about your grin, so you can face the world without social anxiety.

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

Money saved after paying the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Lansing

Unfortunately, purely cosmetic dentistry isn’t covered by dental insurance. Still, you have other options for making your treatment’s cost budget-friendly. Some of them are:

  • A Savings Plan : For a yearly membership fee, our office can give you discounts on various dental services. Get in touch with us to learn the details!
  • Flexible Financing : With the help of third-party services, you can break a procedure’s cost into smaller, monthly payments.
  • Special Offers : As it happens, Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Lansing offers a complimentary Smile Makeover Consultation!


To find out more, go ahead and book a consultation ! Our team will happily work with you to transform your smile in a way that fits your budget!

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